Thursday, May 28, 2009

Bad Dream

A baby nephew recently born suddenly died. The parents were surprisingly calm, and the next day had a 7-month-old adopted baby in arms. The dream was disrupted several times by my own crying baby. When it resumed, the dream took the present form, with me asking B if the dream was a dream.

The next dream followed was more amusing - B and I had bought 4 big cases of beer and were lugging them home. We passed though a school and had to cart the cases one-by-one. Two kids were trying to take off with some of the beer. We stopped them and all laughed about it.

Small snippet: the entire lab attended a Th-Sun conference in DC. I only stayed for two days.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Recurrent dream #2

Gave birth, baby won't feed. Baby doesn't eat for several days but seems OK.

This dream differed: baby was born at home, without drugs or medical assistance. The birth was fast with surprisingly manageable pain. That should have been enough to tip me off it was a dream.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Strange dream #1

A spy dream.
Evil no-good-doer obtaining information from victims through threats of death by fire. Me, a bumbling bystander getting caught up in it all. Nearly caught receiving a secret message, sent by way of wadded-up paper, but somehow managed to escape detection. Snuck into the latest victim being threatened. The kitty woke me up before I rescued the innocent.