Thursday, June 4, 2009

Bad Dream #2

On a picnic, overlooking a metropolis.  Fellow picknickers start to see a column of black smoke rising from the center of the city.  Not a good sign.  Then we see several explosions, each occuring 10-15 seconds apart.  Fire, sirens.  I head to the scene.  I am in a theater where President Clinton and other dignitaries are seated, and it's just before the explosions are to occur.  *boom* and little pieces of the building fly everywhere.  Luckily the bombs were placed in weak locations and not much damage is done.  Only a few minor injuries in the crowd. Everyone is surprisingly calm.  People start shuffling out.  Clinton waits for an escort.  I start cleaning up. 

Woken up by E.  She wakes up too early these days. 

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Motorcycle dream


Cruising on a nice bike with B and E. Totally Bali style with the whole family in tow.  We're wandering around South San Francisco, looking for Genentech.  We have to turn around at a military base that we cannot enter.  We end up finding Kathleen, Chris and Bronwens house.  They're living in an older, cozy home and have a very bohemian lifestyle.  We never do find the Genentech campus.

Woken up by E. 

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Tumble, Fall

A teeny spider just fell from the top of my desk to the floor.  If the spider were human size, the fall would probably be equivalent to dropping from the top to the bottom of the Grand Canyon.  Why the, did the spider casually wander away after her fall, whereas if I fell down the Grand Canyon it would be difficult to scrape up my remains? 

Monday, June 1, 2009

Busy busy

First dream: vietnam war.  Vietnam is an island.  The conflict is not as brutal as the real one.  Thankfully.  It was disrupted, as is typical, by Dixie cat vociferously complaining about something. 

Second dream: colonial america.  I'm time-traveling visiting a farming family/politically involved family of 3.  Wife is pg. with #4.  A surgeon suggests a transplantation model, the family decides to risk it and try the procedure on the youngest, a 4-year old daughter.  The dream does not play out to the end, but I know it will be successful, and make the history books.