Friday, August 31, 2012

sip of thanks, 5

Today I'm grateful Blogspot allows me to date posts either forward or backwards in time.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Dollop of thanks 3

Today I'm grateful for finding a wonderful, warm, nurturing, fun preschool.  Erin thrived at her preschool, and Robin is so excited to start there.  It's such a great group of teachers, an excellent balance between play and structure, lots of creativity.  I am so excited for Robin to start.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Little spoonful of thanks 2

Today I am thankful for easy bed times.  I love it when I sit in the rocking chair and listen to the girls breathing slow, as they gently slip into sleep.  It tells me they've had a busy, full day and always hope it means sweet dreams.

Friday, August 24, 2012

Teaspoon of thanks 1

Today I am thankful that Erin opened up to me. She's having a tough time with drop-off at Kindergarten and I'm grateful she shared so much of her school day with me when she got home.